Tourist tax
NOT included in the prices
5,50 euros per person per night
San Lorenzo Market - Piazza del Mercato - Open 7am - 1pm Mon - Sat. Fruit and veg.
are sold upstairs; meat, cheese etc downstairs. The market has become something of a tourist attraction
and this is reflected in the prices especially on the ground floor.
Supermarket "Il Centro" - Via delle Ruote - Open 8am - 8 pm. Closed on Sundays.
Bakery "Forno Salvetti" - Via S. Zanobi - Open 7am - 1pm and 5pm - 7.30pm. Closed most
Saturday afternoons & on Sundays.
Bakery - "La bottega del fornaio" - Via degli Alfani 149r - Open 8am - 7.30pm. Closed on Sundays.
"Il Civaio" - Via Taddea - Open 8am - 1pm; 5pm - 7.30pm. Closed Saturday afternoons and Sundays.
Old-fashioned shop which sells amongst other things saffron, saucepans, ceramics, dried fruit, kitchen equipment,
different varieties of rice, lentils, chick peas, beans etc sold by weight from large sacks.
Icecream - Gelateria de' Medici - Via dello Statuto 3/5 r. Closed Mondays. A bit of a walk but worth it!
Granita - Gelateria Carab� - Via Ricasoli 60 r (just up from the Accademia Gallery).
Wonderful granita- try almond and coffee or the lemon!
RECCOMENDED RESTAURANTS CLOSE TO GIANNA'S B & B (in ascending order of price):
Il Vegetariano - Via delle Ruote 30r (closed Sunday lunch & Mondays)
Trattoria Mario - Via Rosina 2 (lunch only) (closed Sundays)
Ristorante Cafaggi - Via Guelfa 35r (closed Sundays)
La Taverna Del Bronzino - Via delle Ruote 25r (closed Sundays)
WINE (for more info go to www.esercizistorici.it and click on "mescite e bottiglierie" )
Casa del Vino - Via dell'Ariento 16r (the web-site, www.casadelvino.it , is only in Italian);
delicious rolls and Tuscan specialities prepared while you wait. Wine sold by the glass and by the bottle.
Enoteca Bussotti - Via S. Gallo 161r ( www.enotecabussotti.it )
Fratelli Zanobini- Via S. Antonino 47r: no food on sale but wine also sold by the glass.
en.comune.fi.it/ (
the English version of the city's official web-site)
www.firenzeturismo.it/en.html (the tourist office web-site)